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Prof. Dr. Ir. Yuwaldi Away, M.Sc.
Design PPM Instrument for STEM Teaching Aid in Exploring Nuclear Physics Topic
Assessment of indoor thermal environment of Aceh house based on WBGT index
Actuator Response Model of 3DOF Solar Tracking Based on Tetrahedron Sensor
Channel Modeling for 6G Communications: A Survey
Artificial Neural Network Technique to Predict The Sun Position in Cloudy State with Tetrahedron Based Sensor
Implementation of LEACH protocol for cluster head selection in D2D cooperative communication systems
Planning for Placement of Distributed Generators (DG) in Feeders with the Artificial Intelligent Hybrid GA-ANN Method
The Integration of Six Sigma and FMEA Methods in Determining Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Quality Improvement Factors at the Cot Girek Palm Oil Mill Unit of Pt. Perkebunan Nusantara-1
Performance Analysis of Database Synchronization on DBMS MySQL and Oracle by Using Event-Driven and Time-Driven Data for Monitoring Weather
Adaptive relay selection based on channel gain and link distance for cooperative out-band device-to-device networks
Studi Komparasi Kinerja Teknologi Near Field Communication Pada Sistem Berbasis Android dan Embedded System
Komparasi QoS Video Call dan Video Conference Pada Google Hangouts Dan Google Duo Di Jaringan 3G Dan 4G LTE
Development of concise convolutional neural network for tomato plant disease classification based on leaf images
Prof. Dr. Ir. Nasaruddin, S.T.,M.Eng., IPU., ASEAN Eng.
A critical review of the integration of renewable energy sources with various technologies
Channel Modeling for 6G Communications: A Survey
Actuator Response Model of 3DOF Solar Tracking Based on Tetrahedron Sensor
Implementation of LEACH protocol for cluster head selection in D2D cooperative communication systems
Combining Time Switching Energy Harvesting and Relay Selection for Energy-Efficient Cooperative Communication Networks
Combustion efficiency in a fluidized-bed combustor with a modified perforated plate for air distribution
Investigation of availability, demand, targets, and development of renewable energy in 2017–2050: a case study in Indonesia
Adaptive relay selection based on channel gain and link distance for cooperative out-band device-to-device networks
Relay selection-based energy efficiency of hybrid device-to-device-enabled 5G networks
Joint relay selection and energy harvesting to improve performance of cooperative communication systems
Analisis Performansi Protokol Routing Vehicular Network Menggunakan Algoritma Ant Colony Jamak
Optimasi Algoritma Rate Adaptation Control CARA untuk Meningkatkan Throughput pada Wireless Mesh Network
Energy-efficient multiple-relay cooperative networks using hamming coding
Prof. Dr. Ir. Fitri Arnia, S.T., M.Eng.Sc.
Effective Loss Function for Unbalanced Breast Thermal Image Segmentation
A Study of Parameters Required for a Thermogram Dataset in Obesity Detection: A Systematic Review
DCNet: Noise-Robust Convolutional Neural Networks for Degradation Classification on Ancient Documents
Homomorphic filtering and phase-based matching for cross-spectral cross-distance face recognition
The Performances of Pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks in Clothing Sketch Classification
A conceptual framework of deploying a trained CNN model for mobile breast self-screening
Studi Komparasi Kinerja Teknologi Near Field Communication Pada Sistem Berbasis Android dan Embedded System
Identification of male and female nutmeg seeds based on the shape and texture features of leaf images using the learning vector quantization (LVQ)
Development of concise convolutional neural network for tomato plant disease classification based on leaf images
The over-height vehicle detection using the computer vision method
Performance analysis of mAlexnet by training option and activation function tuning on parking images
Prof. Dr. Teuku Yuliar Arif, S.T., M.Kom.
Application and Analysis of Incremental Conductance Algorithm for A Photovoltaic System with Variable DC Output Voltage
Analisis Tingkat Kinerja Jaringan Wireless Ieee 802.11 N Menggunakan Mikrotik
Evaluasi Pengaruh Parameter TIM Berdasarkan Multirate Terhadap Konsumsi Energi Jaringan IEEE 802.11 ah
Evaluasi Parameter RAW Berdasarkan Multirate Pada IEEE 802.11 ah: Simulasi Kinerja Optimum Jaringan IoT
Komparasi QoS Video Call dan Video Conference Pada Google Hangouts Dan Google Duo Di Jaringan 3G Dan 4G LTE
Optimasi Algoritma Rate Adaptation Control CARA untuk Meningkatkan Throughput pada Wireless Mesh Network
Dr. Ir. Ramzi Adriman, S.T., M.Sc.
Channel Modeling for 6G Communications: A Survey
An IoT-Based System for Real-Time Monitoring of Power Consumption on Sales Booth
Accumulator-free Hough Transform for Sequence Collinear Points
Implementing a non-local means method to CTA data of aortic dissection
Relay selection-based energy efficiency of hybrid device-to-device-enabled 5G networks
Performance evaluation of binary classification of diabetic retinopathy through deep learning techniques using texture feature
Energy-efficient multiple-relay cooperative networks using hamming coding
Analisis Performansi Protokol Routing Vehicular Network Menggunakan Algoritma Ant Colony Jamak
Dr. Ir. Kahlil, S.T., M.Eng.
A Door Detection System for Convenience Stores in Taiwan
Embedded-based Tomato Septoria Leaf Detection with Intel Movidius Neural Compute Stick
Lightweight Pedestrian Detection through Guided Filtering and Deep Learning
Identification of male and female nutmeg seeds based on the shape and texture features of leaf images using the learning vector quantization (LVQ)
Pendeteksian Septoria pada Tanaman Tomat dengan Metode Deep Learning berbasis Raspberry Pi
Performance Evaluation of Binary Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy through Deep Learning Techniques using Texture Feature
Dr. Ir. Rusdha Muharar, M.Sc., IPU.
Implementation of LEACH protocol for cluster head selection in D2D cooperative communication systems
Adaptive relay selection based on channel gain and link distance for cooperative out-band device-to-device networks
Development of concise convolutional neural network for tomato plant disease classification based on leaf images
Joint relay selection and energy harvesting to improve performance of cooperative communication systems
The over-height vehicle detection using the computer vision method
Performance analysis of mAlexnet by training option and activation function tuning on parking images
Ir. Afdhal, S.T., M.Sc
Analisis Tingkat Kinerja Jaringan Wireless Ieee 802.11 N Menggunakan Mikrotik
Combining Time Switching Energy Harvesting and Relay Selection for Energy-Efficient Cooperative Communication Networks
Pendeteksian Septoria pada Tanaman Tomat dengan Metode Deep Learning berbasis Raspberry Pi
Energy-efficient multiple-relay cooperative networks using hamming coding
Ir. Rahmad Dawood, S.Kom, M.Sc., IPM., ASEAN.Eng., APEC Er.
Predicting Cost Recovery Rate of Inpatient Cases: the Application of Machine Learning Approaches
The potential of cold energy extraction from a power plant regasification terminal for cold storage application
Does online marketing help in promoting fish? case study on fish companies in Aceh, Indonesia
Composition and catch number of fish landings on the eastern coast of the Aceh region
The feasibility of a cold storage facility for fish in Aceh during the COVID-19 pandemic
Elizar, S.T., M.Sc., M.Phil.
Abnormal Object Detection In Thoracic X-Ray Using You Only Look Once (YOLO)
Analisis penerapan tapis Wiener pada segmentasi pola fluktuasi spektral
Fardian, S.T., M.Sc.
Perbandingan Algoritma Boyer-Moore dan Algoritma Rabin-Karp Terhadap Kode Pos Wilayah Aceh
Ahmadiar, S.T., M.Sc.
Mohd. Syaryadhi, S.T., M.Sc.
Sistem Automasi Pengering Daun Kelor untuk Pembuatan Teh Alami Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATmega328p
Yudha Nurdin, S.T., M.T.
Wavelet Transformation Approach to Identify Several Fluctuation Patterns by Applying The Amplitude Representative Value Scheme
Rancang Bangun Pengembangan Pintu Otomatis Pendeteksi Masker Dan Suhu Tubuh Menggunakan Raspberry Pi 4
Perbandingan Algoritma Boyer-Moore dan Algoritma Rabin-Karp Terhadap Kode Pos Wilayah Aceh
Pendeteksian Septoria pada Tanaman Tomat dengan Metode Deep Learning berbasis Raspberry Pi
Ardiansyah, BSEE., M.Sc.
A prototype of IoT-based smart system to support motorcyclists safety
Islamisation and the formation of vernacular Muslim material culture in 15th-century northern Sumatra
Abstract Classification Using Support Vector Machine Algorithm (Case Study: Abstract in a Computer Science Journal)
Ir. Maya Fitria, S.Kom., M.Sc., IPM.
An IoT-Based System for Real-Time Monitoring of Power Consumption on Sales Booth
Embedded-based Tomato Septoria Leaf Detection with Intel Movidius Neural Compute Stick
Implementing a non-local means method to CTA data of aortic dissection
Ir. Masduki Khamdan Muchamad, S.Kom., M.Sc.
A Review on Network Performance Evaluation of 6to4 Tunneling
A conceptual framework of deploying a trained CNN model for mobile breast self-screening
Dr. Khairun Saddami, S.T
Effective Loss Function for Unbalanced Breast Thermal Image Segmentation
A Study of Parameters Required for a Thermogram Dataset in Obesity Detection: A Systematic Review
Lightweight Pedestrian Detection through Guided Filtering and Deep Learning
DCNet: Noise-Robust Convolutional Neural Networks for Degradation Classification on Ancient Documents
Homomorphic filtering and phase-based matching for cross-spectral cross-distance face recognition
The Performances of Pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks in Clothing Sketch Classification
Dr. Yunida, S.T
Implementation of LEACH protocol for cluster head selection in D2D cooperative communication systems
Adaptive relay selection based on channel gain and link distance for cooperative out-band device-to-device networks
Dr. Maulisa Oktiana, S.T
A Study of Parameters Required for a Thermogram Dataset in Obesity Detection: A Systematic Review
Homomorphic filtering and phase-based matching for cross-spectral cross-distance face recognition
Safrizal, S.T., M.T
Perencanaan Pompa Air Tenaga Surya Untuk Kebutuhan Non Domestik.(Studi Kasus: Masjid Al-Amin, Kota Subulussalam)
Pemetaan Potensi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Bayu di Perairan Indonesia Berdasarkan Data Satelit ASCAT
Design of Solar-Powered Water Pump System for Medium Service Level of Quality Drinking Water in Southwest Aceh District, Indonesia
Vocational students perception of online learning during the covid-19 pandemic
Ir. Hubbul Walidainy, S.T., M.T., IPM., ASEAN Eng
Channel Modeling for 6G Communications: A Survey
Artificial Neural Network Technique to Predict The Sun Position in Cloudy State with Tetrahedron Based Sensor
Analisis quality of service (qos) jaringan internet pada website e-learning univiersitas syiah kuala berbasis wireshark
Simulasi Antena Mikrostrip Rectangular Patch Array Empat Elemen Untuk Penerima FPV 5, 8 GHz Pada Wahana UAV
Dr. Ir. Melinda, ST., M.Sc., IPU., ASEAN. Eng.
Sistem Automasi Pengering Daun Kelor untuk Pembuatan Teh Alami Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATmega328p
Breast cancer recurrence prediction system using k-nearest neighbor, naïve-bayes, and support vector machine algorithm
Wavelet Transformation Approach to Identify Several Fluctuation Patterns by Applying The Amplitude Representative Value Scheme
Relay selection-based energy efficiency of hybrid device-to-device-enabled 5G networks
Analisis penerapan tapis Wiener pada segmentasi pola fluktuasi spektral
Ir. Yunidar, S.Si.,MT
Sistem Automasi Pengering Daun Kelor untuk Pembuatan Teh Alami Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATmega328p
Wavelet Transformation Approach to Identify Several Fluctuation Patterns by Applying The Amplitude Representative Value Scheme
Penerapan Metode Perancangan Virtual Reality: Tinjauan Literatur
Analisis penerapan tapis Wiener pada segmentasi pola fluktuasi spektral
Dr. Ir. Syahrial, M.Eng., IPM
Wavelet Transformation Approach to Identify Several Fluctuation Patterns by Applying The Amplitude Representative Value Scheme
Design of PV System with DC distribution for Rural Electricity
Simulasi Antena Mikrostrip Rectangular Patch Array Empat Elemen Untuk Penerima FPV 5,8 GHz Pada Wahana UAV
Evaluasi Pengaruh Parameter TIM Berdasarkan Multirate Terhadap Konsumsi Energi Jaringan IEEE 802.11 ah
Analisis Pengaruh Co-Channel Interference Terhadap Kualitas Wi-Fi Pada Frekuensi 2, 4 Ghz
Perancangan Augmented Reality dengan Metode Marker Card Detection dalam Pengenalan Karakter Korea
Penerapan Metode Perancangan Virtual Reality: Tinjauan Literatur
Dr. Ir. Roslidar, ST., M.Sc., IPM. ASEAN Eng.
Sistem Pengontrolan Suhu dan Kelembapan pada Alat Pengering Buah Pinang Menggunakan Pengendali Logika Fuzzy
Effective Loss Function for Unbalanced Breast Thermal Image Segmentation
A Study of Parameters Required for a Thermogram Dataset in Obesity Detection: A Systematic Review
Rancang Bangun Pengembangan Pintu Otomatis Pendeteksi Masker Dan Suhu Tubuh Menggunakan Raspberry Pi 4
Homomorphic filtering and phase-based matching for cross-spectral cross-distance face recognition
A conceptual framework of deploying a trained CNN model for mobile breast self-screening
Ir. Ernita Dewi Meutia, M.S.Tc.E. IPM
Analisis Pengaruh Co-Channel Interference Terhadap Kualitas Wi-Fi Pada Frekuensi 2, 4 Ghz
Perancangan Augmented Reality dengan Metode Marker Card Detection dalam Pengenalan Karakter Korea
Al Bahri, S.ST., M.T.
Analisis Pengaruh Co-Channel Interference Terhadap Kualitas Wi-Fi Pada Frekuensi 2, 4 GHz
Sistem Automasi Pengering Daun Kelor untuk Pembuatan Teh Alami Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATmega328p
Aulia Rahman, ST., M.Sc
Dynamic Modelling of Drone Systems Using Data-Driven Identification Methods
Ir. Muhammad Irhamsyah, ST., MT., IPM
Analisis penerapan tapis Wiener pada segmentasi pola fluktuasi spektral
Analisis quality of service (qos) jaringan internet pada website e-learning univiersitas syiah kuala berbasis wireshark
Effective Loss Function for Unbalanced Breast Thermal Image Segmentation
Dr. Ir. Zulfikar, S.T., M.Sc
Runtime analysis of area-efficient uniform RO-PUF for uniqueness and reliability balancing
Routing density analysis of area-efficient ring oscillator physically unclonable functions